Are Tortoises Smart? The Answer May Surprise You

Are tortoises smart? Yes, tortoises are considered smart, they can recognize their owners and even be taught tricks that put them at an intelligence level above other animals. In fact, Giant tortoises are one of the smartest reptiles on the planet.

Studies have shown that giant tortoises were able to learn certain skills, and what’s even more impressive is they retained the information for years.

In this article, I’ll discuss the tortoise brain, teaching tortoise tricks, and some other important and related topics.

Are Tortoises Smarter Than Dogs?

Tortoises are often thought of as lazy, simple creatures. But a new study shows that these reptiles are actually quite smart, outscoring dogs in some cognitive tests. While dogs are known for their loyalty and obedience, tortoises are known for their long life spans and wisdom. So, who is really smarter?

When it comes to intelligence, there are different types. Some animals are good at problem-solving, while others excel in memory and recall. Measuring intelligence is not an easy task. For example, a dog might be able to learn tricks faster than a tortoise, but a tortoise can remember that trick and live up to 10 times longer than a dog.

So, what does that mean for the question of which animal is smarter? It is hard to say. Both animals have different strengths when it comes to intelligence. Maybe the better question is not which animal is smarter, but rather what type of intelligence we value most.

However, some experts say that tortoises are indeed smarter than dogs. This is because tortoises have the ability to show affection and observe their surroundings in a way that dogs cannot.

So, while dogs may be better at following orders and completing simple tasks, tortoises are better at showing affection and understanding their surroundings. This makes them ideal pets for those who want an intelligent and loving companion.

Are Tortoises Smarter Than Turtles?

Are Tortoises Smarter Than Turtles

Yes, tortoises are smarter than turtles. They are more social and have a better memory than turtles.

Tortoises are more likely to approach their owners and be touched by them. This suggests that tortoises are more social creatures than turtles. In a study, tortoises were able to remember the location of food hidden in a maze, while turtles were not.

These findings suggest that tortoises are smarter than turtles. This may be due to their social nature, which allows them to interact with their owners and learn from them.

Overall, tortoises and turtles are both intelligent creatures. They both have unique abilities that make them special in their own way.

Can You Teach A Tortoise Tricks?

A tortoise might not be the first animal that comes to mind when you think of teaching tricks, but it is possible. With patience and some creativity, you can teach your tortoise a few basic tricks.

Tortoises are not as nimble as dogs or cats, so you will need to find tricks that do not require quick movements.

Coming Upon Call

One trick is to come when called. This can be done by calling their name and offering them a treat. However, tortoises do not have good hearing because they can only process certain frequencies of sound.

Regardless, tortoises can sense vibrations, which is why they recognize your voice once you use a similar voice pitch. Their recognition is based on frequency, not name.

Maze Navigation

You can also teach your tortoise how to navigate a maze. This is a great way to keep your tortoise active and mentally stimulated.

Start by creating a simple maze with cardboard or paper. Then, show your tortoise how to get through the maze by leading it through the maze yourself. Once your tortoise understands how the game works, you can make the maze more difficult by adding more turns and twists.

Door Knock

Another possible trick is to teach your tortoise how to knock on the door. This is a fun trick that will impress your friends and family. To knock on the door, have your tortoise stand in front of a door. Then, gently tap on the door with its front legs.


You can teach them to climb by placing their food on top of a small height inside their enclosure or rock. With some time and patience, you can teach your tortoise a few fun tricks.

Can Tortoises Recognize Their Owners?

Can Tortoises Recognize Their Owners?

When you think of a loyal pet, dogs may come to mind. But did you know that tortoises can also form close bonds with their owners? Studies have shown that tortoises can recognize their owners by sight, sound, and even scent.

Tortoises are very intelligent creatures and have strong memories. They quickly learn to associate their owners with food and attention, and will even come to them when called. So next time you’re wondering if your tortoise knows who you are, rest assured that they do!

Are Tortoises Smart – Final Thoughts

Tortoises are smart animals that are capable of learning and remembering complex tasks. They have good long-term memory and can remember the location of food and water sources.

Tortoises are also able to navigate their way back to their home range after being relocated. These features make tortoises well-suited to their environment and allow them to thrive in their natural habitat.

If you’re lucky enough to have a pet tortoise, take the time to learn about them and appreciate them for the amazing animals they are.